This is the challenge and the threat to America: Can the federal government be constrained at all if ObamaCare is ruled to be Constitutional?
The recent court decision striking down the linchpin provision of the health care bill is a reminder that what's at stake is larger than the future of Obamacare.
If this law passes constitutional muster, the question is whether the federal government can be constrained by any limits at all.
At issue is the personal mandate, the part of the law that says everyone must buy health insurance or pay a penalty.
The implications were aptly captured by U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, ruling in Virginia vs. Sebelius -- one of several lawsuits challenging Obamacare.
If the government can dictate how you live your life, what is to stop them on dictating how you end it?
See this Amp at
"If the government can dictate how you live your life, what is to stop them on dictating how you end it?"
That's why ObamaCare must be destroyed.